A few nice funny art images I found:
exhibition "fresh air smells funny" osnabrück (germany) 2008
Funny ghostly character with arms raised as for signing victory
" We Kill You"
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Funny thing happens after I go out shooting an event or anything I photograph for that matter. When I get home and look at what I have captured for the day I absolutely HATE the photos! This is the main reason it has taken me more then a week to get these uploaded. The truly funny thing is that I am now completely in LOVE with about 20 of them and that is actually a lot from a single event.
After much of the crowd had gone a marching through the streets of Portland, Oregon protesting the invasion and occupation of Iraq after 3 long years, I came across a man dressed up like George on the aircraft carrier declaring the end of the war. His daughter floated around him in a bumble bee costume as he posed for the crowed walking by. When much of the crowd was gone he took off his mask and kneeled down to talk to her. You can also view this over at deviantART